Today is March 15, 2010, more than a year after the election of President Barack Obama. As I wrote in 2008 before the election I could not support the president in his bid for the presidency, much to my sadness. Due to my change in world view over the previous five years, a change in which I determined there is indeed objective truth, I could not in good conscious vote for a man who admits to condoning the use of abortion to ease one’s difficulties in life, to avoid a perceived “punishment” his own grandchild might bring upon his daughters should they conceive a child at an inconvenient time in their lives.
Many, including myself, believed that election of the most pro-abortion presidential candidate in the history of America would mean an end to laws restricting abortion. While President Obama had campaigned on a promise to reduce the number of abortions he had also promised to sign into law as his first act the Freedom of Choice Act which would indeed have put an end to federal as well as state laws restricting access to abortion on demand.
Following his election as leader of the most powerful and influential nation in the world President Obama, by means of his executive powers and position, began to implement his plan to placate the abortion industry and do his part to advance the agenda of the culture of death.
January 23, 2009 - Forces taxpayers to fund pro-abortion groups that either promote or perform abortions in other nations. Decison to overturn Mexico City Policy sends part of $457 million to pro-abortion organizations.
March 9, 2009 - President Barack Obama signed an executive order forcing taxpayer funding of embryonic stem cell research.
March 10, 2009 - Reverses an executive order to press for more research into ways of obtaining embryonic stem cells without harming human life. The order Obama scrapped would have promoted new forms of stem cell research.
March 11, 2009 - Obama administration promotes an unlimited right to abortion at a United Nations meeting.
March 11, 2009 - Obama administration officials deny negative effects of abortion at United Nation's meeting.
March 26 - President Obama announced $50 million for the UNFPA, the UN population agency that has been criticized for promoting abortion and working closely with Chinese population control officials who use forced abortions and involuntary sterilizations.
April 14 - Obama administration releases document that claims pro-life people may engage in violence or extremism.
Not to mention the numerous appointments of several strongly pro-abortion advisers etc..
o Health Secretary and Health Services (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius (former governor of Kansas, pro-abortion, including support for late term abortions (Ontario and Quebec send late-term abortions to Kansas, paying an average of $5,000 (US) for each.) HHS would play a role in getting abortion coverage in the new health program and make it mandatory that hospitals or insurance companies cover abortion.)
o Health Care Office, White House. Nancy-Ann De Parle, political advisor (pro-abortion)
o Deputy health care director Jeanne Lambow (pro-abortion)
o Chief of Staff, White House. Rahm Emanuel (congressman from Illinois, pro-abortion - has a 100 per cent NARAL "pro-choice" rating; pro-SSM)
o Deputy Attorney-General David Ogden (denies negative effects of abortion; considers pregnancy a form of slavery)
o Office of Legal Counsel, White House (assists attorney-general in her role as legal adviser to the president). Dawn Johnsen (pro-abortion, lawyer and legal director for NARAL Pro-Choice America, 1988-1933, professor at Indiana University School of Law)
o Assistant Deputy Attorney-General Thomas Perrelli (lawyer, pro-euthanasia, represented Terry Schiavo's husband in his successful quest to have his wife starved and dehydrated to death)
o Solicitor-General Elena Kagan (strong abortion supporter. The solicitor-general represents the government before the Supreme Court)
o White House political advisor David Axelrod (pro-abortion). Axelrod was Obama's main election strategist during the two-year-long campaign for office
o Director of communications Ellen Moran (former CEO of Emily's List, a major and wealthy pro-abortion political action committee)
o Director of domestic policy Melody Barnes (former board member of Emily's List and Planned Parenthood staff member)
o Director for foreign women's issues (a new office to re-affirm the population and development goals of the Beijing 1995 UN conference; i.e., to promote abortions and overturn pro-life laws in foreign countries) Melanne Verveer (former chief of staff to Hillary Clinton; pro-abortion). Holds rank of ambassador-at-large
o White House Council on Women and Girls (new office) director Tina Tchen (Chicago Lawyer, vice-president of NOW, feminist, pro-abortion. She has a mandate to examine all federal laws and agencies pertaining to women)
o Chairman of the Democratic party Tim Kayne (governor of Virginia, pro-abortion)
The effect of these actions by President Obama has resulted not in reducing the number of abortions, and saving lives, but rather has made access to abortion easier. The frightening thing which it seems many well meaning people fail to recognize is that if a nation enacts legislation which broadens access to abortion and other instruments of the culture of death we as a people will have condoned, encouraged and promoted the killing of innocent human life.
Another result of President Obama’s election and subsequent actions has been the uniting of Americans who disagree with the President’s support of abortion on demand. Many pro-life organizations have begun to work together and coordinate their efforts to defend the right of every conceived human being to live. Organizations such as Priests for Live, 40 Days for Life, National Right to Life, Susan B. Anthony, Students for Life, Bound4Life and many others have found support among more and more Americans who are beginning to understand the desire and goal of President Obama and much of the current congress encouraged by the abortion industry.
Individuals I love and respect had, after the 2008 election voiced sentiments that Barack Obama was some kind of prophet. That God had placed him in this position of authority as a kind of savior. Another view is that God has two wills a divine will and a permitting will. In other words when Isreal asked for a king God, through Moses, warned them of the things a King would do, yet Isreal continued to ask for a king. The Lord gave them what they wanted not what they needed.
God always brings good out of tragedy. More results of the election of President Obama have been the spot light that is being placed on abortion. Never before in the history of this country have
Americans been made to consider what abortion actually is and how it effects the culture.
1. Billboards appeared in Georgia informing people of the "Endangered Species" which is the Black child:
2. A Major American Newspaper, The New York Times, published on their website graphic images of babies killed through abortion:
3. The lie that is abortion is actually being debated, discussed and learned by many Americans for the first time.
Perhaps this is why Barack Obama was elected president. Perhaps this is what God wanted to happen, to wake up the people of God to the truth concerning abortion. Perhaps we will learn that it is indeed a man who will set us free though not one elected to the highest office in the land, but rather one nailed to a tree.
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