Today as I walked from my car after leaving a pro-life meeting I passed by a Starbucks. Outside stood two young women wearing Greenpeace teeshirts. One of them introduced herself and asked what I thought of Whales.
"Pretty cool," was my reply. She went on to describe how big they were and that though they were an endangered species they were being hunted despite a hunting ban. The whale hunters target the whales heads using harpoons with granades. The whale dies, but the body, what the hunters want, is intact.
The woman went on to say how terrible it is that an endangered species is being hunted. Then she told me that President Obama may not work to keep the ban enforced and she asked me to join Greenpeace and sign a petition to encourage President Obama to protect the whales.
At this point I got pretty excited. "That's what I say in my pro-life work to save babies." I said. "Do you do anything to save babies."
"We're trying to save the whole world including the rain forest." She told me.
"But what about the babies," I asked.
"The babies need the rain forest. We're saving the rain forest for the babies," she said.
"This is really great," I said. "Whales...babies....whales.....babies," weighing the importance of both.
I left without joining Greenpeace and signing the petition. I suppose there is nothing wrong with trying to save both the whales and the babies, but all that effort to save the whales and saving babies didn't even seem to register in her mind.
What would happen if I stood on a corner and asked people to sign a petition to save the babies.
I wonder.
Video on All Saints Parish
6 days ago