Monday, April 25, 2011

The Global Baby?

After reading an article in the Wall Street Journal about a rather distrubing new form of "reproductive rights" I just had to share this with others who may not have heard of this. It is now possible to have your baby "made" internationally by paying for a woman's egg and/or a man's sperm and have it implanted in another women in another part of the world.

Wall Street Journal

This raises all kinds of moral concerns, three of which are:
1. Surrogacy as a form of prostitution.
2. Manufactured human beings as a product.
3. Lack of human rights for pre-born children.

In the article a homosexual couple inadvertantly has four children made while actually only wanting two. The couple decides to have two of their children killed through abortion. This act demonstrates
the selfishness involved in the decision to bring a child into the world for one's own satisfaction. Choosing to kill two of their children and to keep the other two reveals the extreme selfishness inherent in the culture of death which promotes so-called "reproductive rights" and family planning."

Interesting also are the following comments by adult adoptees who have valid concerns with this practice.

Adult adoptees

Brave new world indeed.

St. Joseph, pray for us.