Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Rights - Freedom

When I was "pro-choice," about seven years ago, I thought what many pro-choicers and some who consider themselves pro-life think, that abortion is only legal up to the first three months of the pre-born baby's life. I later found out that because of Doe vs Bolton, a Supreme Court decision that occured at the same time as Roe vs Wade, allowed for the abortion (killing) of a pre-born baby throughout the entire nine months. When I tell people this the look on their face is usually one of disbelief. They seem shocked because first they can't believe this is allowed and then because they didn't know.

This really isn't surprising,  I mean who would think that people we vote for, people we trust would vote for and support such a thing, but we have seen it before. The Dred Scott decision determined that Negro slaves were property and not persons. The Nazis did the similarly with Jews, Gypsies and Blacks in Germany. People died in ovens down the road from where decent law abiding home owners lived and worked. Did they know what was happening down the road? Of course they did, but the chose to ignore it or at least to hope it wasn't happening. The same happens here and we go about our business ignoring the truth because the Truth is hard to take.

Rights, freedom, what meaning do these words have when truth is ignored.